Challenge Yourself

Challenge yourself to learn a new language this year. Learning German will build a new appreciation for its culture and rich history while challenging yourself intellectually.

Traveling to Germany

Imagine yourself without the assistance of an automated English tour guide when traveling to Germany. Imagine ordering food like everyone else around you. Interesting idea, isn’t it?

Business Skills

Being able to speak and do business with Germany is a part of many peoples job. Learning your customers language may help secure contracts and sales deals.


Popular Courses

Taste of German

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Christa Franke

This class is for all learners with or without any German language experience.


Kultur Pur

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Christa Franke

This class is intended for people that have very little or no German background but would like to learn the basics for traveling. This session will focus on all things regarding accommodations as well as greetings, customs, and culture. You will learn important vocabulary for different types of accommodations.


DACHL Travel & Culture

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Christa Franke

This class is for all learners with at least 1 year or equivalent of German.

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